Final thoughts…

I had all sorts of plans for a well-thought, creative, funny “last” post before surgery….but somehow time got away from me and here I am with only a few minutes to spare before Austin and I head into Boston for the night.

So my final thoughts are this:  please think of me tomorrow.  If you’re into prayer, then please pray.  If you’re not into prayer, then I only need you to think about me – your favorite memory of me/us, something we did together, anything…as long as it’s something positive.

There have been studies which show better healing in patients who have people thinking of them and/or praying for them…so I’m going with that.

My surgery is scheduled for 11:45am tomorrow, so here’s what I propose: set an alarm on your phone, put it in your Outlook calendar or do whatever it takes for you to remember to think something positive about me tomorrow while you’re on your lunch break.

And other than that, just know that I am forever grateful for the incredible outpouring of love and support I’ve received in the weeks since my diagnosis.  You’re all amazing and I love you!!!

Talk to ya on the other side!


16 thoughts on “Final thoughts…

  1. Alarm set. I’ll be thinking of fun times in Nantucket and more recently of you sitting reading with the boys at my parents house! It was a nice moment to see. Xo


  2. We love you!! I will send my angels to watch over you and be by you the whole way. Xoxo I know everything will go great, although it doesn’t change the fear for tomorrow . I will be waiting to hear that you’re out and recovering well. Big hugs xoxo


  3. Dear Alex,
    You “eat hills for breakfast” 😉 so I know you can do this! I will be praying for you tomorrow and the days and weeks to come. God bless you and your family.
    Xo, Cathy Lowe
    Loyal Ragnar Team Mate


  4. I have an alarm set on my phone & I will have my whole family do the same! You are strong, beautiful & amazing Alex! You will get through this and be even stronger… Will be thinking of you tonight & all day tomorrow and will think of everything positive at exactly 11:45 – big HUGE HUGS!!!!!!


  5. Alex you’ve got this!!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers not only for tomorrow but as you recover and set on this new journey.
    Love you!!!


  6. Rarex – I am thinking about you constantly. All day today I was sending you all the pre-op good mojo I could muster. Good memories? Too many to ever count. You are so strong and so determined and handling this all with such grace. Love to you today, tomorrow and every day!
    Xoxo, Rarex


  7. Alexandra, you make me cry. I feel such love for the woman you are and the little girl I first knew in her blue velvet dress. I will be praying all day as I am most definitely a believer and I, too, think that the angels listen even harder when a whole chorus of prayers goes up. All of us will be singing our prayers here in New York for a very brave and beautiful woman in Boston. Love you, sweetie – Nan


  8. Alarm is set!!
    I will be sending you all my positive thoughts and healing energy. I will think of running with you at the Lowell Half Marathon and how you inspired me! Xoxo


  9. Alarm is set! You got this girl…if anyone has this…its you!! You are an amazing woman and you will take on this new journey with the same tenacity you do with everything else you have achieved!! Looking forward to the next update…all my love!! Sunny


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