From the mouths of babes

Last week we had parent-teacher conferences at our boys’ school.  Our older son is in second grade this year, and when we sat down with his teacher she shared the following story that he wrote  (and read out loud to his class!).  I’m transcribing it verbatim so that you can truly appreciate the cuteness, with a few parentheses for translation :

“My hero is my mom.  Once I was on the sofa when my mom wanted me to know some thing.  This is what she said: this is really inportint.  My docter has found brest caser (cancer) in me.  I said why?  Because most of the girls in the family had it.  My mom has been fighting for a long time.  I had to stay with her mother and sister for a week.  I had to do stuff I don’t do.  But now she is better.  But the opporrashon (operation) made her bold (bald).  She is done with it now but she has a small opperashon (operation) soon.  She has been a great figter!  I am happy that she is done with kemo (chemo).  That is why she is my hero!”

His teacher said she was going to make us cry, and she did!

So that’s my be-thankful-because-it’s-Thanksgiving post.  Be grateful for your family and friends (as crazy as they may be), hug your kiddos as tight and long as you can, be thankful for what you have (and for what you DON’T have, an important distinction to make!)…just appreciate every moment, soak it all in, smile, and enjoy!


11 thoughts on “From the mouths of babes

  1. Alex, This made me cry – what a beautiful story he wrote, and that you are living. I hope you and the whole family have a wonderful holiday… I am thinking of you and sending you all my love. xoxo Nola

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  2. Alex- this is so wonderful. Aidan is a remarkable kid and obviously he has been a real fighter, too, strong and loving and understanding so much. Congratulations on being the kind of mother who has brought up two such great and loving kids. Love to you and thanks be that you are doing well! – Nan


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